Local Planning
We will post new planning applications and updates, as and when we receive notifications from SCDC Planning Department.
Please note: we cannot accept any responsibility for the absence of any proposals for which we receive no notification.
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Conversion and renovation of the existing outbuildings and courtyard at Chalk Farm into 12 No. short stay lettable accommodation and the installation of air source heat pumps together with hard and soft landscaping.
Site address: Chalk Farm High Street Babraham
Reference: 24/03874/LBC
Public Access Link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/24/03874/LBC
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 7 (Design Stage Certificate) and 16 (Post Construction Certificate) of planning permission 21/03607/FUL
Site address: Land At Babraham Research Campus High Street Babraham
Reference: 21/03607/CONDH
Public Access link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/21/03607/CONDH
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Structural repairs to the front wall, including the installation of tie bars and pattress plates.
Site address: 26 Brick Row High Street Babraham
Reference: 24/03287/LBC
Public Access Link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/24/03287/LBC
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: First floor side extension, with dormer windows and rooflights, and associated alterations
Site address: Church Farm Cottage 49 Sawston Road Babraham
Reference: 24/02449/HFUL
Public Access Link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/24/02449/HFUL
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
Site address: 2 Home Farm Cottage High Street Babraham
Reference: 24/02436/PRIOR
Public Access Link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/24/02436/PRIOR
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission S/3729/18/FL (Full planning application for the erection of 158 residential units and associated access points landscaping and infrastructure) to amend the play equipment.
Site address: Site H/1:B - Land North Of Babraham Road Sawston Cambs
Reference: 24/02326/S73
Public Access Link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/24/02326/S73
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Erection of 3 No. new cycle stores at 3 No. locations within the campus. Two replacing existing smaller shelters.
Site address: Babraham Research Campus High Street Babraham
Reference: 24/01644/FUL
Public Access link: https://applications.greatercambridgeplanning.org/online-applications/PLAN/24/01644/FUL